1. Return of the Compliment Exchange
  2. Instant Modelling Gig
  3. The Compliment Exchange
  4. Instigating a Standing Ovation at the Furious Seven Premiere
  5. The Rocky Challenge
  6. My Foray into Suspicious Acts of Charity
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  9. I went to see Dark Knight Rises with my brother last night
  10. Stuff my Smartphone Replaced
  11. Pitbulls Defending House
  12. Matt Mira Breakup
  13. Cloned Toppings
  14. The Doctor on the Airplane
  15. Electric Car Swap!
  16. Telegram from the future
  17. Trading to See Wicked
  18. When Your Company Loses a Contract
  19. On the Job Hunt
  20. Our Daughter Gave $2 to the Homeless
  21. That Blurred Out Image
  22. A Song Stopped the Aa A Short Story Using All the Valid Two-Letter Words in Words With Friends
  23. Interview
  24. What Inane thing did your Husband Buy?
  25. A Silent Version
  26. Reupholstery Photos From Cloth to Leather in the Honda Pilot
  27. What is the Actual Clearance?
  28. Where did you find your keys?
  29. Mailbag: How Much is a Trip to Europe?
  30. Buying the Invisible Car
  31. Roundup Herbicide Photographs
  32. Mischief Maker's Manual : A Review
  33. My Illustrated World of Warcraft Diary
  34. Tom ran the Boston Marathon!
  35. I stepped on a nail
  36. The Internet Excuse Database
  37. Mustang crash on Watt Avenue
  38. What scared you as a child?
  39. Replacing mercury amalgam dental fillings
  40. Introducing the real baby Ferris
  41. Hooray! The New Baby has Arrived!
  42. Rats! I crashed my car!
  43. A boy! Baby due November 21st!

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Tips for Craigslist Job Applicants

My friend Tom is a great, smart guy who hires for a small business ( Yesterday he got the first batch of replies from job applicants from his job posting on Craigslist.

He got a bunch of replies, some of which were inadequate.

Elitist Rant. I am reviewing applicants for a warehouse job. We received about 300 replies to our ad on Craigslist.

His Notes and Tips:

  1. No Resume = No Job. Seriously people, why bother emailing?
  2. Someone's responsibilities included preparing the "Scdudle" at her last job.
  3. Someone didn't have a resume but the email was "sent from my iPad"
  4. There is such a thing as a "Custodial Maintenance Technology Certificate"
  5. If your three prior jobs only lasted for 2 months each, leave them off the resume.
  6. If your email address is "DaddyslilGirl27@..." and your resume is for Charles, I am officially creeped out.
  7. I'm not a stickler for grammar when it comes to warehouse applicants, but you should probably capitalize your own name. (I've seen this countless times).
  8. Employers rarely "Holla back".
  9. We received a resume from someone who was voted "Most improved basketball player of 2000 from their elementary school". I don't think it was a joke.
  10. Attached is the entire message from an applicant: "I love to work call john ill show u i wanna work..248-773-****"
  11. So is this "hi, my name is inrested in the postion you have available.please, feel free to contact me 586-322-****"
  12. Don't write to ask how to apply for the job when 300 other people have figured out that you send in a resume.
  13. Just once I would like to see a former subway employee NOT refer to it as a "sandwich artist".
  14. If your parents named you something strange, you can use the "resume is not a legal document" method and call yourself by a nickname or your middle name, or anything other than Cloud Princess.

That is all I can take today.


I agree with his hilarious tips. Taking time to construct and send a professionally organized and formatted resume and the accompanying email is time well spent. Maybe you won't get an interview, and that effort will be unrewarded, but you shouldn't even bother applying when your first impression can be summarized as "extends minimum effort". on Facebook Cockerham on Twitter C K Rob Cockerham on Linkedin Rob Cockerham on G+
Stuff my Smartphone Replaced Pitbulls Defending House Matt Mira Breakup Cloned Toppings The Doctor on the Airplane Electric Car Swap! Telegram from the future | Trading for a Ticket to See Wicked | When Your Company Loses the Contract | On the Job Hunt | Our Daughter Gave Two Dollars to the Homeless | That Blurred Out Image | A Song Stopped the Aa - A Short Story Using All the Valid Two-Letter Words in Words With Friends. | Interview. | What Inane thing did your Husband Buy? | A Silent Version | Reupholstery Photos Before and After - From Cloth to Leather in the Honda Pilot. | What is the Actual Clearance? | Where did you find your keys?. | Mailbag: How Much is a Trip to Europe? | Buying the Invisible Car | Roundup Herbicide Before and After Photographs | Sir John Hargrave's Mischief Maker's Manual : A Review. | My Illustrated World of Warcraft Diary. | Tom's story about running the Boston Marathon! | I stepped on a nail. | The Internet Excuse Database. | Mustang crash on Watt Avenue. | What scared you as a child? | Replacing mercury amalgam dental fillings with Composites. | Introducing the real baby Ferris | Hooray! The New Baby has Arrived! | Rats! I crashed my car! | A boy! Baby due November 21st!. | |
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