The Shed Prank

Introduction | Sean | Ben | James | Ed | Mike | Justin | Alpha | Michelle | Tom

Sorry this took so took a while for us to manage to get over
there. But today, we were trying to hang a porch swing and realized
we needed a few washers and quicklinks, so we rode our bikes (this
being Eugene) over to Home Depot.

We found the shed area almost completely a matter of fact, the whole store was kind of devoid of life, and we thought we should have modified our
instructions and done the prank over at Jerry's, which is the local version of the gigantic home improvement center.

The dude with the legs is my husband, admiring some of our handiwork (you can see the sign inside the shed, there).


Oregonians are really big on supporting their local businesses, so the signs would have had a lot more visibility at Jerry's.

In any case, we were already there, so we had a stroll around admiring the sheds and here and there posting the additional information you sent us.


The pictures are enclosed.


please continue reading Michelle's story of the shed prank .

page Introduction | Sean | Ben | James | Ed | Mike | Justin | Alpha | Michelle | Tom

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June 27, 2008.

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