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Your Luxurious Lifestyle

I've begun a new project. I'm trying to generate an illustrated spectrum of lifestyles in the US, deliniated by income level.

Doesn't that sound like fun?

I have 52 personal financial questions below, and in the interest of science, I need truthful answers, so I'm keeping it anonymous. That probably seems like a lot of questions, but give them a chance before you quit and give up.
Please remember, I'm not judging you, this is anonymous.           Skip to analysis page

1. Do you bring your lunch to work?
Never Occasionally Mostly Always not applicable

2. What is the cost of your itunes habit?
less than $10 per month $10 per month $100 per month more than $100 per month

3. What is the magnitude of your credit card debt?
zero, paid off less than $1,000 $1,000-$8000 $8,000-$40,000 more than $40,000

4. How many toilets are in your home/apartment?
0 1 2 3 or more

5. How big is the largest television in your home?
less than 33" diagonal more than 33" diagonal

6. What is your phone situation?
Shared phone pay-as-you-go phone dumb phone smart phone

7. Do you have medical insurance?
No Yes

8. Do you have driver's insurance?
No Yes

9. Do you live...
With parents/older relatives shared apartment rented house
own house own house on more than 1/8th acre

10. Are your kids in a...
private school (1st-12th grade)? public school home school n/a

11. Most Luxurious Transportation available
bicycle/bus/mass transit shared car 7-20 year old car
0-6 year old car multiple new cars available to use, depending on the situation

12. Your best home computer:
An older computer (4+ years old) a newer computer (0-3 years old)
an Ultrabook/Air/iPad A rack of servers

13. Your best television arrives via:
rabbit ears torrent Cable tv/satellite HD and HBO

14. Which of the following electronic devices do you own?
Playstation 3 Xbox 360 Laser Printer Kindle
DVR/Tivo Sonicare Some shit from Brookstone

15. Clothing: Which of the following stores do you buy the most clothes from every year?
If your preferred store isn't listed, please mark one which is a price equivalent to your store.
Goodwill Thrift Store Walmart Ross or Marshalls JC Penny /Target
Gap or Macy's Banana Republic Harrods / Nordstrom Barneys

16. Pets
No Pets Pets Purebred pets

17. Pet Care - Do you have an unlimited pet care/vet budget?
No Yes

18. Air Travel - What's the most impressive thing you can say about your flying habits?
less than once per 10 years coach, about once per year
frequent flier I fly first class at least half of the time

19. Do you own a passport? (Expired OK)
No Yes

20. Which of the following do you own?
Gym Membership excercise equipment larger than a basketball
A room dedicated to fitness

21. What best describes the heights of your weekly laundry experience?
washboard and clothesline washing machine(s) outside of the home
washing machine in the home the dry cleaners or laundry service
hired help with the laundry

22. Where do you usually have birthday parties for your kids?
In my imagination at home at the park At a bounceland / themepark / arcade

23. Do you use Craigslist to buy and sell cars or furniture and appliances for your home?
No Yes

24. When your car breaks, do you first take it to:
A Relative A mechanic The Dealership

23. Have you ever held a party (not including a wedding reception) which featured a paid entertainer or DJ?
No Yes

24. Have you ever had a party catered?
No Yes

25. Which of the following services have you employed:
gardening service chef nanny trainer (health and fitness)
nutritionalist analyst/therapist babysitter who is not related to us
chauffer blacksmith housekeeper for at least weekly service

26. Do you own a tuxedo or equivalent cocktail dress?
No Yes

27. How often do you go to the movies?
Never or almost never Around four times per year seven per year or more

28. Which of the following do you attend at least once per year?
Car Show State Fair Professional speaking events
Plays and other theatre productions A concert
A professional top four sporting event A museum

29. Do you have season tickets for a professional top four sporting event?
(baseball, basketball, football, tennis, just kidding, hockey)
No formally shared Yes

30. On average, how much do you spend on drinks away from home each day? (Starbucks, soda, milkshakes, energy drinks, bottled water, liquor)
less than $1 $1-$3 $3-$6 $7-$12 $12-$30 More than $30

31. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
none one or two pairs three to seven pairs
seven to twenty four pairs more than twenty four pairs

32. Are you in jail?
No Yes

33. Vacation
I don't really take vacations
I leave town for at least four days in a row at least once per year
I travel an average two weeks off every year
travel or vacation for more than two weeks per year
I live a life of leisure

34. Do you have a retirement fund or IRA or pension?
No Yes, but it is a fraction of what I'll need Yes

35. How often do you eat at restaurants with a waitstaff (not fast food)
Less than once per year 1-6 times per year
7-30 times per year 31-99 times per year
100-250 times per year

36. How many pieces of jewelry do you own that are worth more than $900?
None One 2-5 6-25 More than 25

37. Meal Variety: How often do you actually have the same thing for dinner two nights in a row?
Every week Once a month Once a year Never

38. Have you ever shopped around for emergency ambulance services with consideration of the price?
No Yes

        You are almost done! Fourteen more questions!

39. Do you have a coin jar in your home which holds more than $15 and hasn't been cashed in for a year?
No Yes

40. How often do you buy and use cocaine or other precious recreational drugs?
never or extremely rarely annually monthly weekly daily

41. What is the total value of your current beer horde/wine collection/liquor cabinet?
$10 or less $100 or less $2,000 or less more than $2,000

42. Do you ever use valet parking?
No Yes

43. What's your charitable contribution every year?
nothing I donate time to a reputable cause
I donate money to a reputable cause I am a major donor

44. Which of the following recreational items do you own?
a quad/atv two jetskis a dirtbike a Harley motorcycle
a small boat a boat > 20 feet long a pool table a segway
air hockey table a foosball table swimming pool (built in)

45. Are you the member of an activities league, such as hockey, Warcraft or puppets, in which you have invested $1,000 or more in fees and equipment purchases?
No Yes

46. At work, are you doing what you love?
No Yes

47. Wouldn't it be funny if, at the end of this long quiz, you got an invitation to a career college?
No Yes

48. How much do you spend on your hair every month?
Less than $60 $60 or more

49. Which of the following items, worth at least $800, does your immediate family own?

an $800 camera or video camera an $800 piece of exercise equipment
an $800 musical instrument an $800 office chair
an $800 bag an $800 vacuum cleaner
an $800 bicycle an $800 gun
an $800 espresso machine an $800 set of golf clubs

50. What is the best time to rob your house?
early in the morning just kidding

51. Do you own investment property?
None One Parcel two or more parcels

52. Final Question: What is your household income?
< $30,000/year $30-$50 K $51-75K $76-$100K over $100,000/year

Submit Answers

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  The Oatmeal Markup | Antiques Roadshow - The Ultimate "Neat Stuff" Show | Iphone vs. Kia | Let us Dilute that For You | Razor and Blades Business Model | Short-Circuiting the Facebook Tease Video Link | Other Websites Besides which are Broken | Visualizing the Price of a Television | Personal account of working for commision at Banker's Life Insurance | The Three Problems with Child Car Seats | How Much Time is Really Left in the Basketball Game? | Who Uses Their Turn Signal? | Other Web Problems not related to | The Cross-Section of a Couch | Comparing the Price of Used Car to the Price of a New Car | Rental Car Keys are Horrible | The Actual Amount of Time it Takes | Incorrect Shelf Prices at Walmart | Two Prices for Auto Body Repair | Roadside Sobriety Test | Cash in your Pennies | Get it Together Walmart | Price Increases at Fast Food Restaurants | Yard Sale is Shoe Store Scam | Disaster Casualties Visualization Tool | Walmart vs Target: 2013 | The 146 Drugs in Walmart's $4 Prescription Drug Plan | Email Concealer Codes | accumulating credit card debt | Selling a Structured Settlement | The Torn-up Credit Card Application ! Kirby Vacuum Cleaners
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