San Francisco County Exhibit - Page 1 | 2  

The San Francisco county exhibit was built as a walk-thru display highlighting the earthquake-rich heritage of San Francisco. The plan was to build a wall that shook and rattled, simulating an earthquake, complete with sound effects.

The wall would be dressed up as an exterior wall of a Victorian home, with a Victorian woman inside, trapped wailing inside her home.

The display was built very sturdily, with real 2x4s on 16" centers, like a real building, instead of our typical 1x4 collapse-prone stagecraft construction. 

It was safe to walk on top of, and it was safe inside. Mark joked that the other builders know his reputation for lightweight construction, and wondered if they thought he was going to build something 30-feet tall with such a sturdy base.

Here is Peter grinning from the top.

Plywood cityscape prepared for the top of the display.

Victoria composes information placards in the background, while the San Francisco Victorian victim rests.

Kristin performing an extreme makeover.

Nina, Kristin and Vicky hard at work on various projects.

The S.F. woman and Mendocino pelican dry after their base coats are applied.

The woman didn't like her 34-17-41 figure.  The pelican was sick of her complains though, for he had no body at all.

Continue to page 2.

San Francisco County Exhibit - Page 1 | 2

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Last updated August 26th, 2003.  

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